About FRSA
About FRSA

Membership Information


The Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association Inc. (FRSA), was founded in 1922 to bring together contractors as well as businesses with related interests.

FRSA represents over 1,000 member companies - companies such as yours that are concerned with their own business activities, as well as the future of the industry in Florida. FRSA's programs and services can help save you time and money and benefit you both personally and professionally.


FRSA's purpose is to encourage a high standard of business ethics among its members and to inform the public of the importance of doing business with competent and ethical firms. FRSA encourages quality through education and recognition of competence. FRSA represents the interests and acts as the voice of its membership before government and regulatory bodies of all kinds and works to improve the overall industry in keeping with the general purposes of the Association.

Join today!

Why Join FRSA? Joe Sorrentino - Geocel.

Types of Membership 

Contractor Member

To qualify for contractor membership, firms must be actively engaged in the roofing, roof decking, metal or air conditioning contracting business in the State of Florida, duly licensed and qualified under all local and state laws and regulations, and be able to present evidence of this qualification. Applicants shall not have been engaged as an owner, partner, officer or director of a predecessor business in the same field within two years that has become insolvent or has been adjudged bankrupt.

Associate Member

Associate membership shall be extended to those persons or firms engaged n the manufacturing, sales or distribution or industry products or services and/or persons or firms actively promoting the aims of the Association including governmental, institutional and non-profit organization employees.

FRSA Membership Benefits

FRSA Membership Application

Full List of Member Benefits

Questions about Membership? Call Kelly Sealander at 800-767-3772 ext. 142 or by email at kelly@floridaroof.com