FRSA is an association of roofing, sheet metal and air conditioning contractors and industry-related companies including manufacturers, suppliers, manufacturers' representatives, roofing consultants and others.
FRSA has Affiliate locations all around the state. This is the perfect place for industry professionals to meet and work on local issues.
FRSA's Credit Union has merged with Orlando Credit Union - see what new products and services are available to members.
The Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association (FRSA) Educational and Research Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Founded in 1982, the goal of the Foundation is to educate the work force, management and owners of construction businesses, as well as other industry related professionals.
Check out all of these items for sale from FRSA Members.
Looking to purchase items or have items to sell? Submit your request by email at Please be sure to note "Items for Sale" in your subject line. Please include your name, company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email and cell phone number.
The Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association Inc. (FRSA), was founded in 1922 to bring together contractors as well as businesses with related interests. FRSA represents over 1,000 member companies - companies such as yours that are concerned with their own business activities, as well as the future of the industry in Florida. FRSA's programs and services can help save you time and money and benefit you both personally and professionally.
The State of Florida and the Federal Government require employers to post the information below in a conspicuous place, visible to all employees.
Since 1955, the FRSA Self Insurers Fund has been providing workers compensation insurance for the Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Industries with quality services not found anywhere else in the industry.
FRSA Members have access to a full list of benefits. Make sure you're taking advantage of your benefits.