Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo
As of 3/25/2025
1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Ltd - www.1lifesoftware.com
Booth: 213
4C's Spray Equipment Rental - www.4cssprayequipmentrental.com
Booth: 821
A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply - www.metaldecksupply.com
Booth: 829
ABC Supply - www.abcsupply.com
Booth: 601
AccuLynx - www.acculynx.com
Booth: 1313
ACRISURE - www.acrisure.com
Booth: 1225
Acrylabs - www.acrylabs.com
Booth: 527
Active Ventilation Products Inc - www.roofvents.com
Booth: 1623
Adams and Reese LLP - www.adamsandreese.com
Booth: 407
AkzoNobel Coatings Inc - coilcoatings.akzonobel.com/us
Booth: 234
Alberson's Tile Roof Glaze - www.hydro-sheen.com
Booth: 142
Aletheia Digital - www.aletheiadigital.com
Booth: 1725
Alivo - www.alivo.ai
Booth: 118
All Points Tile & Slate - www.allpointstile.com
Booth: 920
Alsco Metals - www.alscometals.com
Booth: 231
American WeatherStar - www.americanweatherstar.com
Booth: 411
Anchor Products LLC - www.anchorp.com
Booth: 441
APOC - ICP - www.apoc.com
Booth: 905
ASC Machine Tools Inc - www.ascmt.com
Booth: 405
ATAS International Inc - www.atas.com
Booth: 707
Atlantic Equipment Co - www.atlanticasphalt.com
Booth: 1121
Atlas Building Products - www.atlasfasteners.com
Booth: 1224
Atlas Roofing Corporation - www.atlasroofing.com
Booth: 203
Attic Breeze - www.atticbreeze.net
Booth: 1333
Beacon - www.becn.com
Booth: 219
Berridge Mfg Co - www.berridge.com
Booth: 804
Best Roofer Marketing - www.bestroofermarketing.com
Booth: 120
Big Rock Supply - www.bigrocksupply.com
Booth: 1336
BITEC - bi-tec.com
Booth: 1110
Bitumar USA Inc - www.bitumar.com
Booth: 1216
Bonded Lightning Protection - www.bondedlightning.com
Booth: 935
Brauner Safety Systems - www.braunersafety.com
Booth: 503
Brava Tile - www.bravarooftile.com
Booth: 1524
BTR Systems - www.btr-systems.com
Booth: 539
Burtin Polymer Innovations Inc - www.burtinpolymer.com
Booth: 1718
busybusy by Align Technologies - www.busybusy.com
Booth: 1419
Cambridge Lee - www.camlee.com
Booth: 141
Capital Forest Products - www.capitalforest.com
Booth: 200
Carlisle SynTec Systems - www.carlislesyntec.com
Booth: 911
Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau - www.cedarbureau.org
Booth: 307
Cellucrete Corp - www.cellucrete.com
Booth: 928
Central States Manufacturing - www.centralstatesco.com
Booth: 1520
CertainTeed - www.certainteed.com
Booth: 1035
Certified Contractors Network - www.contractors.net
Booth: 1034
Chem Link - www.chemlink.com
Booth: 805
CIDAN Machinery - www.cidanmachinery.com
Booth: 729
Cleary Inspection Service - www.kcwand.com
Booth: 1428
Commercial Roofing Specialties - www.crssupply.com
Booth: 1129
CompanyCam - www.companycam.com
Booth: 1324
Continental Materials Inc - www.continentalmaterials.com
Booth: 515
Crossroads Building Supply - www.crossroadsbuildingsupply.com
Booth: 138
Crown Roof Tiles - www.crownrooftiles.com
Booth: 227
CS Clay Tiles - www.csclayroof.com
Booth: 240
D-MAC Industries - www.d-macindustries.com
Booth: 626
D.I. Roof Seamers - www.diroofseamers.com
Booth: 326
DAP Products Inc - www.dap.com
Booth: 1620
Dataforma Inc - www.dataforma.com
Booth: 628
DECRA Metal Roofing - www.decra.com
Booth: 824
Direct Metals Inc - www.directmetalsinc.com
Booth: 211
Drexel Metals Inc - www.drexmet.com
Booth: 1013
DuPont Building Solutions - www.dupont.com
Booth: 401
Duro-Last - www.duro-last.com
Booth: 929
Dutch Tech Inc - www.dutchtechindustries.com
Booth: 1243
Dynamic Metals LLC - www.dynamicmetal.net
Booth: 1509
EagleView - www.eagleview.com
Booth: 1105
East Lake Metals - www.eastlakemetals.com
Booth: 1700
ecoMetals Co - www.ecometals.net
Booth: 1516
EcoStar LLC - www.ecostarllc.com
Booth: 102
Edco Products - www.edcoproducts.com
Booth: 500
Elevate - www.holcimelevate.com
Booth: 816
Epilay - www.epilay.com
Booth: 717
Equipter - www.equipter.com
Booth: 130
Erbend USA - www.erbend.com
Booth: 1707
Estimating Edge - www.estimatingedge.com
Booth: 1237
Everest Roofing Systems - www.everestsystemsco.com
Booth: 1223
EXCEPTIONAL Metals - www.exceptionalmetals.com
Booth: 1117
Extreme Florida Metals - www.extremeflmetals.com
Booth: 1616
Extreme Metal Fabricators - www.extrememetalfabricators.com
Booth: 726
Fabral Metal Wall and Roof - www.fabral.com
Booth: 1609
FG Building Products - www.fgbp.com
Booth: 820
FiberTite - www.fibertite.com
Booth: 823
FlashCo - www.flashco.com
Booth: 604
Flex Membrane International - www.flexroofingsystems.com
Booth: 329
FloriCrete LLC - www.floricrete.com
Booth: 1401
Florida Roof Deck Association - www.frdaonline.com
Booth: 1322
Fluid Applied Roofing - www.fluidappliedroofing.com
Booth: 337
Freedom Manufacturing and Roofing Supply - www.freedommanufacture.com
Booth: 1323
FRSA Association - www.floridaroof.com
Booth: 1025
FRSA Self Insurers Fund - www.frsasif.com
Booth: 1025
FT Solutions - www.ftsyn.com
Booth: 228
G.A.P. Roofing - www.gaproofing.us
Booth: 1204
Gaco - www.gaco.com
Booth: 713
GAF - www.gaf.com
Booth: 119
General Coatings Manufacturing - www.generalcoatings.net
Booth: 1704
Geocel Products - www.geocelusa.com
Booth: 1421
Georgia-Pacific - https://buildgp.com/densdeck/
Booth: 1218
GiddyUp - igiddyup.com
Booth: 1422
Glick Metals / Snap-Z - www.snapzvent.com
Booth: 1231
GoNano - www.gonano.com
Booth: 1040
GS Trackme - www.gstrackme.com
Booth: 529
Gulf Coast Supply - www.gulfcoastsupply.com
Booth: 709
Gulfeagle Supply - www.gulfeaglesupply.com
Booth: 917
Handy Distribution - www.handydistribution.com
Booth: 1405
HBFuller - www.hbfuller.com
Booth: 215
Heely-Brown Company - www.heatgun.com
Booth: 1123
Henry, A Carlisle Company - www.henry.com
Booth: 902
HOUSE OF LADDERS - www.houseofladders.com
Booth: 1613
Hydraulic Machinery Inc - www.craneworx.com
Booth: 124
IB Roof Systems - www.ibroof.com
Booth: 1229
IKO Commercial - www.iko.com/comm
Booth: 1210
IKO Industries Inc - www.iko.com
Booth: 1213
Inland - www.inlandcoatings.com
Booth: 519
Innovative Sheet Metals - www.innovativesheetmetals.com
Booth: 1611
InOvate - www.inovate.com
Booth: 1412
Insurance Office of America - www.ioausa.com
Booth: 1125
Integrity Metals - www.integritymetalsfl.com
Booth: 625
International Fasteners Inc - www.daggerz.com
Booth: 305
IPS Roofing Products - www.ipsroofingproducts.com
Booth: 937
IQ4Mobility - www.iq4mobility.com
Booth: 1341
IR Analyzers - www.iranalyzers.com
Booth: 333
Isaiah Industries - www.isaiahindustries.com
Booth: 1036
Jobba Trade Technologies - www.jobba.com
Booth: 841
JobNimbus - www.jobnimbus.com
Booth: 1501
Johns Manville - www.jm.com
Booth: 811
KARNAK Corporation - www.karnakcorp.com
Booth: 1101
Kennedy Skylights - www.kennedyskylights.com
Booth: 327
Kirsch BP / Sharkskin - www.sharkskinroof.com
Booth: 110
Lakeside Construction Fasteners - www.lakeside-fasteners.com
Booth: 822
Lazer-Bostik - www.lazermfg.com
Booth: 1109
Leadax Americas - www.leadax.com
Booth: 520
Leap LLC - www.leaptodigital.com
Booth: 1330
Lewis Trading Corp - www.ltcqp.com
Booth: 1331
Lifting Equipment Solutions - www.liftingwquipmentsolutions.com
Booth: 432
Lomanco Inc - www.lomanco.com
Booth: 606
Lucas Coatings - www.rmlucas.com
Booth: 301
Marathon Roofing Products - www.marathondrains.com
Booth: 430
Marco Industries - www.marcoindustries.com
Booth: 134
MaxFelt - www.maxfelt.com
Booth: 331
McElroy Metal - www.mcelroymetal.com
Booth: 632
Metal Alliance - www.metalalliance.com
Booth: 831
Metal Fastening Systems - www.metalfasteningsystems.com
Booth: 1601
Metal Roofing Systems - www.metalroofingsystems.com
Booth: 133
Metal Sales Mfg - www.metalsales.us.com
Booth: 719
MetalForming LLC - www.metalforming-usa.com
Booth: 1305
MFM Building Products - www.mfmbp.com
Booth: 502
Mid-Atlantic Roofing Supply - www.marsupply.com
Booth: 129
MidStates Asphalt - www.msaroof.com
Booth: 309
Millennium Metals - www.mmi2000.net
Booth: 523
Mission Metals Mfg - www.missionmetalsmfg.com
Booth: 1133
Mountain Bigfoot Barriers - www.bigfootbarrierproducts.com
Booth: 618
MuleHide - www.mulehide.com
Booth: 701
National Roofing Contractors Association - www.nrca.net
Booth: TBD
National Women in Roofing - www.nationalwomeninroofing.org
Booth: TBD
New Tech Machinery - www.newtechmachinery.com
Booth: 105
Next Level Roofing Supply - www.nlroofingsupply.com
Booth: 921
Novagard - www.novagard.com
Booth: 616
NPC Colored Sealants - www.npcsealants.com
Booth: 506
Nusens USA - www.nusens-usa.com
Booth: 1141
O'Hagin - www.ohagin.com
Booth: 1239
Oates Metal Deck & Building Products Inc - www.oatesmetaldeck.com
Booth: 1518
Ocean Breezes Design - www.oceanbreezesdesign.com
Booth: 116
OMG National - www.omgnational.com
Booth: 1337
OMG Roofing Products - www.omgroofing.com
Booth: 509
Owens Corning - www.owenscorning.com
Booth: 1317
Palisade / IPG - www.palisadebuild.com
Booth: 1020
PBP Sales Corp
Booth: 1221
PERKUS USA LLC - www.rooftileperkus.com
Booth: 1719
Petersen / PAC-CLAD - www.pac-clad.com
Booth: 615
Pixel Fire Marketing - www.pixelfiremarketing.com
Booth: 1430
Polifilm America - www.polifilmamerica.com
Booth: 1611
Polyglass USA Inc - www.polyglass.us
Booth: 1003
Power Bolt and Tool Inc - www.powerboltandtool.com
Booth: 1343
Precision Metal Innovations - www.pmimetalroofing.com
Booth: 100
Premier Metal Roof Mfg - www.pmroof.com
Booth: 313
ProGifter - www.progifter.com
Booth: 126
Progressive Materials - www.pmsilicone.com
Booth: 901
Progressive Metals - www.progressivemetals.com
Booth: 421
Protecto Wrap Company - www.protectowrap.com
Booth: 308
Pure Lead Products - www.pureleadproducts.com
Booth: 718
R.K. Hydro-Vac - www.rkhydrovac.com
Booth: 612
RA Metals - www.rametlasfab.com
Booth: 113
Raptor Synthetic Underlayment - www.raptorunderlayment.com
Booth: 540
RESISTO - www.resisto.us
Booth: 803
Rocket Equipment LLC - www.rocketequipment.com
Booth: 1039
Roof Goose Vent - www.roofgoosevent.com
Booth: 1440
Roof Hugger LLC - www.roofhugger.com
Booth: 925
Roof-A-Cide - www.roof-a-cide.com
Booth: 1022
Roofing Contractor Magazine - www.roofingcontractor.com
Booth: TBD
ROOFLE - www.roofle.com
Booth: 128
Roofmaster Products - www.roofmaster.com
Booth: 1417
Rooforders - www.rooforders.com
Booth: 1500
Roofr - www.roofr.com
Booth: 1011
RoofScope - www.roofscope.com
Booth: 1329
Roper Whitney - www.roperwhitney.com
Booth: 1519
Roser USA - www.roser-usa.com
Booth: 942
Rust-Oleum - www.rustoleum.com
Booth: 1434
Sabre Metals - www.sabremetalsllc.com
Booth: 1235
Santafe Tile Corp - www.santafetile.com
Booth: 1200
Seal Bond - www.seal-bond.com
Booth: 1110
SEMCO - www.semetals.com
Booth: 1617
Sentry Building Innovations - www.roofnado.com
Booth: 104
SF&P Advisors - www.sfpadvisors.com
Booth: 1712
SFS Group USA Inc - www.us.sfs.com
Booth: 1720
Sheffield Metals - www.sheffieldmetals.com
Booth: 108
Sherwin-Williams MetalVue - coil.sherwin.com
Booth: 1423
Sherwin Williams / Uniflex - www.uniflexroof.com
Booths: 1425
Sika Roofing - www.usa.sika.com
Booth: 817
Simpson Strong Tie - www.strongtie.com
Booth: 900
SolarRoyal LLC - www.solarroyal.com
Booth: 232
SOPREMA - www.soprema.us
Booth: 801
SPEC Building Materials - www.speccorp.com
Booths: 423, 429, 435
Starwrap Inc - www.starwrap.com
Booth: 101
Steinel America - www.steinel.net
Booth: 503
STINGER - www.stingerworld.com
Booth: 402
Stormseal USA LLC - www.stormseal.com
Booth: 137
Structura View - www.structuraview.com
Booth: 1432
Sunniland / Suncoast - www.sunniland.com
Booth: 417
Sunshine Metal Supply - www.sunshinemetalsupply.com
Booth: 737
SYL Roofing Supply - www.sylroofingsupply.com
Booth: 1301
TAMKO Building Products LLC - www.tamko.com
Booth: 609
Tampa Metal Works Inc - www.tampametalworksinc.com
Booth: 1723
Tarco - www.tarcoroofing.com
Booth: 624
Terial - www.terial.com
Booth: 1708
The Metal Maniacs - www.metalmaniacsfl.com
Booth: 725
Titebond - www.titebond.com
Booth: 533
Trashit - www.trashitdumpster.com
Booth: 1517
Tri County Metals - www.tricountymetals.com
Booth: 235
Triangle Fastener Corp - www.trianglefastener.com
Booth: 924
TRP - www.tropicalroofingproducts.com
Booth: 807
TRUFAST - www.trufast.com
Booth: 617
TUFFDRY - www.tuffdry.com
Booth: 1334
United States Steel Corp - www.ussteel.com
Booth: 1505
USG Securock - www.usg.com
Booth: 507
Van Boxel Building Supply - www.vanboxelsurplus.com
Booth: 1605
VB Synthetics - www.vbsynthetics.com
Booth: 1619
VELUX Commercial Daylighting - www.veluxusa.com
Booth: 1241
VELUX Skylights - www.veluxusa.com
Booths: 1201, 1205
Verea Clay Roof Tile Co - www.vereaclaytile.com
Booth: 406
Versico - www.versico.com
Booth: 808
Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions - www.westlakeroyalroofing.com
Booth: 619
Wieland Metal Services - www.wieland-metalservices.com
Booth: 122
Worthouse. Metal Roofing Mfg - worthouse.com
Booth: 633
WUKO Tools - www.wukoinc.com
Booth: 1625
XPanda Foam LLC-EPS - www.xpandafoam.com
Booth: 1208