Fastener Failure in a Metal Roofing World

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:05AM

Magan Jenkins, Marketing Manager, StealthBond

Calling all metal roofers and those ready to get started in metal roofing! Metal roofing is a growing industry with no end in sight. Many roofers who get into metal end up falling in love with the look and the profits that go along with metal roofing (#moneymaker).

Selling the optimum roofing system can be a bit tricky. When faced with the prospect of installing a metal roof, contractors are sometimes challenged with “homeowner preference” vs. a system that the roofer knows will perform better. Sometimes these two factors align, sometimes they don’t.

Metal roofing is tough stuff. It comes with some of the best warranties available, along with a time-trusted material that both the roofer and the homeowner can count on. However, metal roofing is subject to environmental effects like expansion and contraction. No big deal, right? WRONG! Let’s not forget about the thousands of screws traditionally used to install exposed fastener metal roofing panels.

Metal roofing systems available to contractors today:
■ Exposed Fastener System
■ Concealed Fastener System
■ Concealed Adhesive System (New!)

Exposed Screw Fastener Metal Roofing Systems

Exposed Fastener Systems generally refers to a visible screw fastener that is being used to penetrate through the roofing material. However, this traditional method of roofing attachment has proven to be problematic because the exposed screws used during installation tend to be incorrectly tightened, and may rust or back out over time.

How does a screw “back out?” When a metal roof is exposed to extreme temperatures and weather, the metal will expand and contract. Over time, this thermal movement of the metal panels puts repetitive pressure on the thousands of screws in your roof causing the screw holes to enlarge. Once this happens, screws can loosen and back out of the wood deck. When the screw becomes loose or backs out of the roof altogether, this leaves an opening in the metal roof which can cause a leak.

Exposed fastener roofing systems have shown to be a risk for leaks. The practical threat posed by this vulnerability is not completely avoidable and has been enough to deter many roofing contractors from installing this type of through-fastened panel.

Concealed Fastener Metal Roofing Systems

Concealed Fastener Systems, typically standing seam systems, offer metal panels with raised interlocking seams. Fasteners are used to attach the side fastener fins into the roof deck. While this type of system conceals the Fastener Failure in a Metal Roofing World
Magan Jenkins, Marketing Manager, StealthBond screws that are used for installation, standing seam roofs are susceptible to fastener stress which can cause unsightly oil can dimpling of the metal panels. Standing seam systems also utilize fastener slots or attachment clips designed to allow thermal movement of the panels, but improper fastener placement limits this function.

Many roofers choose to install this system over an Exposed Fastener System because the fasteners are hidden. However, contractors can run into situations where a homeowner prefers a coastal look such as a 5V Crimp panel over a standing seam. This leaves roofers reluctantly installing a system that they know will require servicing in the future.

Concealed Adhesive Roofing Systems

Concealed Adhesive Roofing Systems are the newest innovation to the metal roofing industry. While Standing Seam was once known as the “new and improved” roofing option in the 1980’s, more research has been conducted to improve metal roofing systems.

Concealed Adhesive Systems use a structural and flexible adhesive that allows thermal movement while at the same time securely attaches metal roofing panels to roof decks. It is being hailed by contractors as an innovative alternative to screwing down metal roofing panels. The use of adhesive as a primary attachment technique eliminates the thousands of exposed screws that penetrate
screw-fastened metal roofing systems.

Roofing contractors have been looking for a solution to the problems with exposed fastener systems and the option to offer a panel profile to homeowners who want a specific look. Product variety is important to contractors, especially when they hear requests like “I want the Key West look, but I don’t like the screws.” Concealed Adhesive Systems are now available in 5V Crimp and 3ft Ribbed
Panels. These are panel profiles that, until now, were only available in through-fastened systems.

Fact of the Matter

Facts are facts: Fastener failure is not a question of “if” it will happen, but more so a question of “when” it will happen. It’s well-known within the professional roofing community that one of the main causes of metal roof leaks are roofing screws and faulty washers. In addition to expansion and contraction causing a screw to back out, there is the risk of the screw not being properly installed in the first place. Running lines of screws to finish a roof, leaves room for unnoticed errors during an installation. Screws that are over driven or under driven pave the way for leaks. A very common mistake, one that’s often made in an attempt to ensure a tight seal, is over driving a screw. When a screw is tightened too much, it can cause the washer to crack, cup, or even spin out of place entirely. Too little torque on the screw can leave the seal vulnerable to water and other elements sneaking through the panel and through the roof deck.

Occasionally, a screw misses the mark altogether. When this happens, the washer may not seal to the roofing panel. Poorly installed screws can be hard to detect because often the screw is visible upon inspection and may appear to look perfect.

An Industry Ready for Innovation

Metal roofing is here to stay and metal roofing contractors in this industry need to know all of the installation methods available for their business and their customers. Staying ahead of the game and knowing the latest in innovative technology within your industry brings room for growth and profit.


Magan Jenkins has been with Gibraltar Industries for over six years working as the Marketing Manager for both wholesale and retail building products out of their Jacksonville, Florida location. She spearheaded the marketing efforts for Gibraltar’s newest product line StealthBond, an advanced metal roofing system that uses structural adhesive technology for metal roofing installations. Visit to learn more about the StealthBond Concealed Adhesive System and available Dealer Opportunities or email

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