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Chasing Money Thu, Feb 25, 2016 Trent Cotney, PA, FRSA LEGAL COUNSEL At some point in your roofing careers, you will face the inevitable problem of a customer not paying you. Depending on the amount owed, it may warrant filing suit and ultimately obtaining a judgment against a cus... Read More

OSHA’S Record-Keeping and Reporting Requirements Tue, Jan 26, 2016 Trent Cotney, PA Most roofing contractors are familiar with OSHA’s record-keeping and reporting requirements.  Recently, however, OSHA expanded the list of severe injuries and illnesses that employers must report. This is a good opportuni... Read More

Change Your Behaviors to Become a More Inspiring Leader Fri, Dec 25, 2015 Rob-Jan de Jong, Behavioral Strategist and Author Habits can be a trap for people in leadership positions – whether they are in business, politics or another field. As leaders, you should provide a compelling vision that inspires those around... Read More

New Hire Information You Need to Know Fri, Dec 25, 2015 Lisa Pate, FRSA Executive Director Finding good employees is a difficult enough task; making sure that you create, file and submit all of the necessary documents required as an employer, both at the Federal and State level, shouldn’t be. Knowi... Read More

Radical Idea: Fire Some of Your Customers Fri, Dec 25, 2015 Lee Rust, Florida Corporate Finance Most company executives and managers spend a significant amount of time attempting to increase their customer base and sell more stuff to more people. They never think that some of those customers, including some ... Read More

Witness Statements and OSHA Inspections Fri, Dec 25, 2015 Trent Cotney PA ◆ FRSA Legal Counsel Last month’s article discussed OSHA witness interviews and statements. As discussed, OSHA relies heavily upon witness statements during inspections to issue citations. Unlike a criminal investigation, emplo... Read More

How to Beat Claims for Driveway Cracks Thu, Nov 26, 2015 Trent Cotney, P.A. As many of you may have experienced, owners have become more legally-sophisticated and are using a variety of excuses to avoid payment. One of the most common excuses involves the claim that either the roofer or the roofing suppli... Read More

d Thu, Jun 29, 2000 d Read More

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