From the FBC in Jacksonville to Roofing Day in D.C. FRSA Leaders at Work

Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 3:50PM

Mike Silvers, CPRC, Silvers Systems Inc. & FRSA Director of Technical Services

In my last column I reported that the Florida Building Code Lightning Protection Workgroup was considering a proposal to make lightning protection mandatory on non-residential construction. FRSA Vice President Brian Swope, CPRC, volunteered for and was appointed to the workgroup. He did an excellent job making sure FRSA’s concerns were well presented. Our position prevailed. Without an affirmative recommendation to make changes, the workgroup has completed its meetings. Brian volunteers not only as a member of FRSA’s Executive Committee, but as a Florida Building Commissioner whose duties include serving as Chairman of the Roofing Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Past Presidents Burt Logan and George Ebersold both also serve on the TAC. FRSA Codes Subcommittee Chairman Tim Graboski serves on the Energy TAC. Our members are fortunate to have such outstanding representatives.

I also previously wrote about what exciting times these are for our industry. One of the most exciting things is NRCA’s One Voice Initiative. NRCA CEO Reid Ribble is clearly committed to improving not only the public’s perception of our industry but more importantly, how we feel and thereby represent our chosen profession. This approach fits hand in hand with everything FRSA has stood for for nearly 100 years.

A contingent of FRSA members were among a large group of roofing professionals from all over the country who took part in Roofing Day in D.C. FRSA President Charlie Kennedy will lead Florida’s representatives who include: President Elect Bruce Manson; Secretary-
Treasurer Adam Purdy CPRC; Immediate Past President George Ebersold; Past President Gary Register; Government Affairs Co-chair Tammy Hall; FRSA Executive Director Lisa Pate CEM as Florida’s Team Captain; FRSA Legal Counsel Trent Cotney and myself. This group helped make our member’s case on three major industry concerns. 1). Regulatory Reform, 2). Immigration Reform and 3). Workplace Development. All of these issues have a major impact on Florida’s roofing industry; they are also well aligned with several of FRSA’s Strategic Goals. I looked forward to participating, but even more so, observing our association’s current, future and recent leadership pooling their resources and working together to make a difference.

If you care deeply about your chosen profession, this is exciting stuff. If you are already volunteering with FRSA or your local affiliate, thank you and keep up the good work. If not, ask yourself, Why not? The opportunity to serve is really an incredible opportunity to share and learn. After all it is your business.


Mike Silvers, CPRC, is owner of Silvers Systems Inc., and is consulting with FRSA as Director of Technical Services. Mike is an FRSA Past President, Life Member and Campanella Award Recipient and brings over 40 years of industry knowledge and experience to FRSA’s team. Mike is available to FRSA members who have codes or technical questions and can be reached at 800-767-3772 ext. 169 or by email at

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