Sharing Knowledge and Experience on Unique Installations

Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 9:05AM

Manny Oyola, Jr, Technical Manager Eastern Region/FL, Eagle Roofing Products

As our world changes and the tile industry continues to evolve, it’s always a great feeling to get that call for a challenging roof tile installation, the type that doesn’t come along every day.

Recently I received a call from a young contractor in the town of Odessa, Florida. The gentlemen wanted some guidelines on the installation of pan and cap tile (barrel tile). I thought to myself, no problem that should be pretty simple. However, during our conversation it came to light that what was really being asked of me was to instruct a session in the art of installing barrel tile on a turret roof.

Wow, OK, any of you who have worked on and learned this process know it’s a very slow, time-consuming installation.

I began by asking how much tile installation experience the crew had and asked to look at a completed job for my own peace of mind. The contractor asked me to meet him on the job site which they were presently working on. When I arrived at the job site, to my amazement the tile roof which was in progress, was a high-profile tile and it looked really great by all standards. The lines from the ground looked perfect and the mud work was that of a very seasoned and skilled crew.

What a relief it was to see such work and meet the crew to start our training. As I guided them through the process they asked a lot of great questions and had great input to our conversation. We put together a mockup and started to work.

At the end of our impromptu workshop we went up on the roof and started to use the measurements that we had worked out for this
particular roof slope and size of the tile being installed. Unfortunately, the weather started turning bad. As we in the industry know, this can happen in the blink of an eye. As we parted ways that afternoon, they said that as long as I made myself available by phone, the job should be done properly.

That being said, I hope you enjoy these photos. The crew shared them with me, and let’s always remember that sharing the old school ways can ignite the spark which has always been part of what makes our industry great.


Manuel “Manny” Oyola, Jr., is the Technical Manager Eastern Region/FL, Eagle Roofing Products. Manny holds a roofing contractors license and is an active member of the Tile Roofing Institute (TRI). He is also an active member of FRSA’s Codes and Regulatory Compliance and Roof Tile Committees, and on the Codes Subcommittee, as well as participating on the FRSA-TRI Manual
Reformatting Committee. Manny teaches roof tile courses for TRI and FRSA.

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