Three Ways Construction Companies Can Keep Their Best Employees

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 11:30AM

Trent Cotney, PA, Construction Law Group

The labor shortage within the construction industry has left roofing companies competing for qualified workers while trying to retain existing talent. Because your employees are a significant investment, especially when considering the time and money it costs to train them, it is important to develop a plan to keep your best workers. In this article, our construction lawyers list three ways roofing companies can retain their best workers.

Create a Rewarding Work Culture

A key to developing and retaining great workers is to create a work culture that recognizes and rewards employees for their contributions and loyalty. Ideally, your employees will soon come to view employment with your company as a career rather than “just a job.” To do that, your team members must be able to see a path to growth and advancement within your company. Employees are more likely to stay when they know there is an opportunity to both become better at their job and advance to the next level. To the extent possible, companies should strive to promote from within, which rewards deserving employees and motivates the other employees to earn similar promotions. Companies also benefit from establishing a program that publicly
recognizes high-performing or long-tenured employees. Almost everyone appreciates being recognized for his or her contributions; and when a company takes the time to publicly thank deserving employees, that can go a long way in fostering morale and loyalty at little or no cost to the company.

Compensation Aimed at Retention

Ultimately, people work for a company – any company – to be compensated for their work. Companies should start by offering employees fair compensation and benefits, and create a plan that includes compensation incentives for those who stay with the company and work hard. These incentives can include any combination of raises, bonuses, accrued vacation time (even if unpaid), accrued paid time off, and even potential stock options. Ideally, employees who have been with the company for some time will view their time with the company as an investment that is beginning to deliver dividends, whereas taking a job with another company
would be starting over from the ground level. It is one thing to offer competitive pay, but structuring compensation so that employees understand they are in line for increased pay and benefits by remaining with your company can go a long way toward retaining those employees.

Use Surveys and Interviews to Get Feedback

Use surveys, interviews, and an “open door” policy to hear from your staff and identify their needs. Performing exit interviews with employees who choose to leave can help identify possible areas of improvement and limit future losses. Similarly, it is important to learn why employees choose to remain with your company, and what it takes to keep them with your company. This entire process can be invaluable toward developing a successful retention plan, as it helps the company identify what its employees value most, what the company is doing well, and where improvement may be needed. Emphasizing employee feedback also helps your workforce believe that the company values their opinions and wants to consider their interests when making business decisions.


Author’s note: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation. Regulations and laws may vary depending on your location. Consult with a licensed attorney in your area if you wish to obtain legal advice and/or counsel for a particular legal issue.

Trent Cotney is an advocate for the roofing industry, General Counsel of FRSA, NWIR, WCRCA and PBCRSMA, and a Florida Bar Board Certified Construction Lawyer. For more information, contact the author at 813-579-3278 or visit

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