Thinking Ahead: Why Successful Roofing Installations Always Begin With a Plan

Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 1:15PM

Paul Casseri, Product Manager, Atlas Roofing Shingles and Underlayment Division

Professional contractors understand that preparation is the key to a successful roofing job. Before they put a crew on-site, they check the weather conditions and make sure all safety issues are addressed. Contractors know that their choices affect both the safety of the crew and the company’s bottom line.

Here are some of the primary issues contractors encounter and for which they should be prepared:

Hot Weather Issues

Roof installers are at the mercy of the weather. Scheduling an early start is essential in warmer months. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), overexposure to heat causes more than 600 deaths per year. Contractors
should plan accordingly so most roofing work can be completed before the peak heat hours.

Starting early in the day is also a good way to avoid the rain that often comes in the afternoon, especially in the South. With diligent attention to the weather, crews get more work completed and don’t have to wait out a storm in the truck.

Continuously working in the sun’s ultraviolet rays is physically taxing for the crew and can have dangerous mental consequences as well. The best way for roofers to survive the summer heat is to stay hydrated. Water keeps the body cool and prevents it from overheating. Have plenty of water available for the crew – cool is preferred. Ice cold is not recommended because it can cause cramps and digestive problems.

The crew should understand how to dress for hot weather. Shirts designed to keep the wearer cool, such as Dri-Fit or ClimaCool, are made of breathable material that wicks moisture from the body, making roof work more comfortable on hot days.

Cold Weather Issues

Just as in hot months, prepping for cold weather requires planning. Contractors should check the weeklong weather forecast for storms that could cause delays. Starting work later in the morning allows the warmth of the sun to warm the jobsite.

In the winter, layers of ClimaWarm and Hyperwarm apparel can help combat colder temperatures by providing warmth, breathability and protection. Roofers also should wear appropriate shoes that have a good grip on cold surfaces.

Contractors also should be aware of the minimum temperature installation requirements for all roofing materials. Many shingle manufacturers advise not installing their products in temperatures below 45 degrees F. All equipment should be examined regularly because some items, such as compressors and other pneumatic tools, are susceptible to condensation that could freeze.

Safety on the Jobsite

When preparing for work, jobsite safety tops the list. Contractors should let their crews know that standard safety regulations will be followed to the letter and no one will be allowed to cut corners on procedures. Roofing contractors have found their businesses fined, or even closed, because of legal action taken after a serious safety incident.

According to OSHA, falls account for almost one-third of serious injuries and deaths in construction work each year. Roof work areas should be checked to ensure they are free of debris. In addition to using protective headgear, everyone in the crew should wear footwear that provides the best traction on the roof surface.

Safety harnesses, nets and guardrails should be inspected to ensure they are ready to be deployed. OSHA increased penalties for non-compliance in 2016. A steep fine can cause heartache for any business. The most cost-effective solution is to keep everyone safe.

Other safety tips for contractors include: Inspect tools and equipment before every use. Test all power tools to make sure they are clean and lubricated, and inspect cords and hoses for breaks or leaks. Do not allow workers to use hammers with damaged handles or heads. Be sure workers are trained in the proper use of a tool, whether manual, electric or air powered, before allowing them to use it.

Don’t use damaged or makeshift ladders. Tying a ladder off at the top of a plywood brace is another common cause of ladder accidents. A ladder should be placed on firm, level ground. It should rest against a solid structure and extend three feet above the roof eave to provide a secure point for moving from the ladder to the deck.

Be aware of overhead wires because electricity can arc to a metal ladder, even if it is several feet away. Use a wood or fiberglass ladder when working near wires. For the safety of all workers, identify potentially dangerous power lines and underground hazards and mark them with warning signage.

Let the Job Begin

Success and safety in the roofing business start with smart decisions. Watch the weather, practice safe use of tools and equipment and, above all, begin each installation with a plan and make sure everyone follows it.


As Product Manager of the Roofing Shingles and Underlayment Division, Paul Casseri is responsible for all areas of product management, including product initiation, feasibility, design, development and testing. He is a graduate of Penn State University and has more than 20 years experience in the building products industry. For information about Atlas shingles and the company’s full range of products, visit

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